Liberal Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (LDPD)

Political party, founded on 5th July 1945 as fourth political power (in addition to the KPD, SPD and CDU) on the area of the then Soviet zone of occupation. After the LDPD was initially able to maintain its political independence, it was forced in the second half of the forties to join the "Unitary front" in the same way as the other parties and was forced from then on to subordinate itself to the SED as a " Block Party".
At the start of the changeover, the LDPD attempted to present itself as a "changed" modern liberal democratic party. A fundamental renewal of the party was only seriously started at the Special Party Congress held on 9th/10th February 1990 in Dresden.
There, the resolution was passed to rename the party as Liberal-Demokratische Partei (LDP). On 12th February 1990, the LDPD joined the election alliance "Bund Freier Demokraten" (BDF).