Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski
born 3 Juli 1932 Berlin
Trained as confectioner; became Socialist Unity Party (SED) member in 1955; active in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, later in the Ministry for Foreign and Domestic Trade, deputy minister for Foreign Economy; doctorate, from 1975 secretary of state in the Ministry for Foreign Economy and Foreign Trade, played a key role in 1983 in the negotiations between the GDR-FRG, set up loans amounting to billions; member of the Central Committee (Zentralkomitee) of the SED, was seen in October/November 1989 as successor to Günter Mittag, expelled on 3rd December 1989 from the Central Committee by the 12th general assembly; 4th December fled to West Berlin, gave himself up to the West Berlin authorities on 6th December, taken into custody, released in 1990, between 1992-'93 investigations regarding the violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act and for embezzlement of funds (dismissed); in October 1993 investigations were initiated and then charges made for suspicion of espionage, tax fraud, disloyalty, violation of embargo regulations and violation of the Allied Military Act; the investigation committee of the Lower House of Parliament concluded their work in 1994.