Egon Krenz
born 19 März 1937 Kolberg (Poland)In 1944 resettlement to Damgarten; entered the Free German Youth (FDJ) in 1953; short-term training as locksmith in Rostock; 1953-57 studied at the Putbus teacher training college (Kreis Rügen), secretary of the FDJ base organisation, 1955 Socialist Unity Party (SED); FDJ functions on divisional level; secretary of the FDJ district headquarter in Bergen, secretary of the FDJ district headquarter in Rostock, secretary of the Central Council of the FDJ, responsible for the work at the universities, higher technical colleges and colleges; study at the CPSU party college in Moscow, secretary of the Central Council of the FDJ, chairman of the pioneers organisation "Ernst Tählmann"; member of the Central Committee (Zentralkomitee) of the SED; 1971-1990 member of the People's Chamber (Volkskammer) and chairman of the FDJ parliamentary group; member of the Executive Committee of the People's Chamber, member of the Politburo and secretary for Security and Cadre Affairs of the Central Committee of the SED; general secretary of the Central Committee of the SED, member of the State Council and deputy chairman, chairman of the State Council as well as of the National Defence Council (Erich Honecker's successor); expulsion from of the SED PDS on 21st Jan. 1990; publishing activities in 1990, temporarily member of a Berlin company; unemployed. Charged, along with others, with the fatal shootings at the Berlin Wall, sentenced. Also charged with falsification of election results.