Hans Albrecht
born 22 November 1919 Bochum
Apprenticeship as locksmith; active army duty; heating technician, in 1945/46 Socialist Party of Germany/ Socialist Unity Party (SDP/SED); 1950 SED college; secretary of a number of different district headquarters, member of the Central Committee (Zentralkomitee) of the SED; 1958-60 chairman of the county economic council, member of the county council, 1963-65 university studies at the Institute of Industry of the Bergakademie Freiberg, 1st secretary of the SED county headquarters in Suhl, from 1970 member of the executive committee of the Friendship Association of the GDR and Arabic countries; member of the People's Chamber (Volkskammer); expelled from the Central Committee of the SED and the party on 3rd Dec. 1989, arrest for abuse of official authority and disloyalty; 1991 further warrant for arrest in connection with the fatal shootings at the border; sentenced in 1992 by the Regional Superior Court Meiningen to 22 months imprisonment for incitement to disloyalty, jail term was not started, as more than half that time had been spent in custody; the counsel for the defence submitted medical certificates proving limited ability to attend proceedings repeatedly; on 26th July 94 Federal High Court increased the sentence to five years for "direct perpetration of a crime".