Friedrich Bohl
born 5 März 1945 Rosdorf
Abitur (school leaving examination), degree in law, chairman of the managing board of the terra-tech society in Marburg, member of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and of the executive committee of the German Europa Union, member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Young Union (Junge Union), from 1978 chairman of the CDU district association Marburg-Biedenkopf, 1974 - 1990 chairman of the CDU parliamentary group of the "Kreistag" Marburg-Biedenkopf, member of the Hessian parliament, chairman of the Legal Committee, deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, member of the National Assembly (Bundestag) from 1980; 1984 - 1989 parliamentary executive, 1989 - 1991 1st parliamentary executive of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. From November 1991 to October 1998 federal minister for Special Affairs and head of the Chancellor's Office, in addition, from 25th May to 26th October 1998, head of the federal government's Press and Information Office. Today Bohl is member of the board of "Deutsche Vermögensberatungs AG" (DVAG).